The beginning of the new millennium also brought a unique partnership with the World War II Airmen’s Museum group. They had already established the museum as a not-for-profit entity and then in 2008, after three years of hard work, the entire airport area was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is now one of the few historic airport districts found on the Register, nationwide.

The small museum is located in the administration building with preservation and restoration projects in progress on the remaining historic structures. The goal of the museum membership is to commemorate not only the troops that trained at the base during World War II, and those stationed at the 681st Radar Base from 1954 to 1964, but all the local men and women who have served their country in the military services.
The museum group works in liaison with the Glacier County Historical Museum and the Cut Bank Airport Authority. Tours of the historic district are available upon request.
Even though several years of efforts to bring “essential air services” to Cut Bank have failed, the Airport Authority continues to promote the airport as a “host location.”

Thank You For Visiting Cut Bank International Airport

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